Essay-based scholarships in the US

Essay-Based Scholarships in the US – Win Money For Your Future!

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Studying in the United States can be an expensive proposition, especially for student coming from overseas who often need to find the right scholarship or loan package in order to finance their education. One way to make the dream of studying in the U.S. more accessible is to apply for one of the many essay-based scholarships available in the country.

Essay-based scholarships are awarded to students based on the submission of an essay on a certain given topic or theme. These essays are judged particular criteria, such as grammar, fluency of language, creativity and passion in the writing. By taking part in essay-based scholarships you can win money to help with tuition costs, as well as gaining some fantastic experience in essay writing.

What are Essay-Based Scholarships?

Essay-based scholarships are awards that are granted to students based on their written essays. Scholarships of this kind provide students with a great opportunity to share their story, demonstrate their academic achievements and showcase their ability to think critically and write persuasively. Not only this, but essay-based scholarships can also help to provide funding to further your educational dreams.

Types of Essay-Based Scholarships

Essay-based scholarships come in many forms, such as scholarship essay contests, scholarship essays written in response to a prompt or question, and essays that are judged based on originality, creativity, and well-supported arguments.

Benefits of Essay-Based Scholarships

Applying for and winning essay-based scholarships can provide students with many benefits. Here are just a few of the benefits you could get from applying for and winning an essay-based scholarship:

  • Recognition of academic achievement
  • A chance to showcase your skills and talents
  • Fulfilling a warm and fulfilling sense of accomplishment
  • Potential employment opportunities
  • Financial relief for college tuition
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Types of Essay-Based Scholarships

Types of essay-based scholarships

Writing an essay has long been regarded as a very effective way to illustrate one’s mastery of a particular subject. As such, essay-based scholarships have become popularized in the US, due to their ability to determine a student’s proficiency with writing and communicating their thoughts in a concise manner.

Essay-based scholarships typically require applicants to submit an essay, story, letter or poem that serves as an entry into the scholarship competition, while also showcasing an in-depth understanding of a particular topic. Depending on the theme of the particular award, applicants will often be required to write about that specific theme in order to qualify.

Essay-based scholarships can be divided into two main categories:

Competitive Essay-Based Scholarships

Competitive essay-based scholarships are awarded to the applicant who crafts the best essay based on their own research, understanding and analysis of the topic. In most cases, submissions are scored and ranked by the selection committee and the most suitable applicant is chosen to receive the award. The selection is often made on the strength of the essay subject matter and its relevance to the criteria established by the award provider.

Creative Essay-Based Scholarships

Creative essay-based scholarships typically require applicants to craft an essay that incorporates their unique style of storytelling and writing. While the piece must still communicate the applicant’s knowledge and understanding of the topic, it should also be written in a way that expresses the applicant’s interests and personal narratives. Unlike competitive essay-based scholarships, creative essay-based scholarships focus more on the creative and artistic aspects of writing as opposed to the analytical and critical aspects.

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Essay-based scholarships can be a great way for students to showcase their talents and skills, while proving themselves eligible for rewards that can help fund their futures. With the right essay topic and a well-crafted essay, students are able to win money for college, professional development or even a chance to take part in an international travel program.

Applying for essay-based scholarships

Essay-based scholarships are a great way to get a leg up on mounting college expenses. Many students overlook the opportunity to apply for essay-based scholarships that could help pay for school. A well-written essay could be the deciding factor between you and another student to receive a lucrative amount of money for your educational journey. Here are some tips you should keep in mind in order to secure essay-based scholarships.

Do Research and Read Eligibility Criteria

Before writing essays to apply for scholarships, make sure to do thorough research. Search for scholarships and read the eligibility criteria. Even if you have a great essay ready to turn in, it is important to ensure you meet all the criteria of the scholarship. If you do not, chances are you will not be considered.

Start Early

To ensure you are giving your essay at least the same level of attention you would give to any other important assignment, make sure you give yourself plenty of time. It is recommended that you start early and treat the essay application process like a job.

Thoroughly Read and Understand the Prompt

Read and understand the prompt carefully. Pay close attention to the instructions, word limit, tone, theme, and others. This is a great chance to make a good impression, make sure you understand what they are looking for and fulfill all the requirements.

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Write and Revise Creatively

When it comes to writing your essay, think outside the box and use your creative side. Present yourself in the best possible way and keep the reader’s interest. Don’t be afraid to use humor and share personal experiences that can create a powerful story. Once you finish your essay, review it several times to be sure it is free of errors. Read it aloud to ensure the essay flows naturally and that all your points are easy to follow.

Collect and Submit Necessary Documents

In addition to submitting your essay, there may be other documents required by the scholarship committee. Make sure you submit everything they are asking for. Double checking your submission will help ensure that you don’t miss any important details.


Essay-based scholarships can be a great way of supplementing the cost of college tuition. Focusing on writing a well-crafted personal statement is an excellent way to show admissions officials how you stand out from other applicants. Furthermore, improving your essay skills is an excellent way to hone your communication and writing skills for future challenges. Taking the time to complete a scholarship submission process can be beneficial, even if you don’t win money for college expenses.

Whatever your reasons for reaching for the stars, make sure to research thoroughly and be aware of scammers when applying for scholarship programs. While some programs might have a fast track to success, don’t be fooled into thinking that winning is easy. Good luck!

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